If Yes, Okay

Directed By : Dick Verdult

The Netherlands / 2023 / 93 MIN

Cast :

Lola Koppen, Peter Fengler, Ekaterina Levental, Harun Bahasoean, Tim Teunissen, Katrien van Beurden, Chris Koolmees, Izah Hankammer, Karlijn de Groot, Luk Sponselee, Pedro Buschi, Michiel Romeyn

Produced By :

De Productie

Music By :

Dick Verdult a.k.a. Dick El Demasiado

Language :


Festivals :

International Film Festival Rotterdam – World Premiere

Watch the Trailer :

Synopsis :

If Yes, Okay is a black comedy. A portrait of an extremely rich family, dwelling in their egoistic Hall of Mirrors. The 15-year old daughter, Amy, tries to escape the pressure of this toxic environment by translating her life into her extravagant whim, a venomous Kabuki-style theatre. This process reshapes her world radically: killing her father -as a temporary solution- does not stop her from slipping away into the night and entering a whole new level of insanity. Acid Realism.

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