If Yes, Okay
The Netherlands / 2023 / 93 MIN
Technical Details :
Lola Koppen, Peter Fengler, Ekaterina Levental, Harun Bahasoean, Tim Teunissen, Katrien van Beurden, Chris Koolmees, Izah Hankammer, Karlijn de Groot, Luk Sponselee, Pedro Buschi, Michiel Romeyn
De Productie
Dick Verdult a.k.a. Dick El Demasiado
Festivals & Awards :
International Film Festival Rotterdam – World Premiere
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Synopsis :
If Yes, Okay is a black comedy. A portrait of an extremely rich family, dwelling in their egoistic Hall of Mirrors. The 15-year old daughter, Amy, tries to escape the pressure of this toxic environment by translating her life into her extravagant whim, a venomous Kabuki-style theatre. This process reshapes her world radically: killing her father -as a temporary solution- does not stop her from slipping away into the night and entering a whole new level of insanity. Acid Realism.
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